Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Saturday! 

I want to touch today on the subject of trust.  Within the past couple of weeks, I've learned some hard lessons about not trusting my instincts.  Right now, even, I am kicking myself for being "Ms. nice girl".  It's my nature to want to please everyone and we all know that does not work.

We all have a deep small inner voice that speaks to us when something feels good.  It also lets us know loud and clear when something does not feel quite right.  I am known as a person who gives everyone the benefit of the doubt and I do not judge others.  However, I am also known to be a little too trusting.  I hand out trust like it's water.  My reason for writing today is two-fold; one is that it is very self-healing and two, I want to help others follow and trust their instincts.  If your first thought about a situation does not feel good-then STOP and go with that "gut" feeling.  The consequences could be dire if you don't follow and TRUST your instincts.

I wear my heart on my sleeve and I will continue to do so.  However, I have learned a valuable lesson about handing out trust to everyone I meet.  I generally like to believe that people are good-natured.  Unfortunately, the past couple of weeks, I have attracted two situations that are shall we say less than ideal.  I won't bore you with the details, but I will say this, I will NEVER ignore my inner voice again.

So, I want to leave you with this-keep an open mind and an open heart.  I believe that the Universe is kind and is always on our side.  The lesson I have learned is to be more discerning about who I let into my world.  A person will now have to earn my trust.  This is not to say that my heart is closed.  I'm just deciding to be more choosy about what I will and will not tolerate. 

If this resonates with you, then, I would love to hear any comments you may have.

Have a blessed weekend!

With gratitude,

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